Pelasgian history in Switzerland ( in Albanian and in English)

 (Nga njekomb nje faqe e kontrolluar qe eshte kthyer ne faqe shume koti.)


Vetëm një shikim i thjesht në atë se çka shkruan në librat e Institutit kanadez të historisë do të fillojmë të mendojmë ndryshe për lashtësinë tonë të harruar së pari nga vet ne e pastaj nga të tjerët:
“ Qendra , që nga kohët primitive të Arijanëve para shpërndarjes së tyre në Europë ishte: Banorët e Liqejve të Zvicres dhe Pellazgët e vjetër, që mbijetuan vetëm me shqiptarët e sotëm. ishin pasuesit e atyre arianëve të lashtë” ( credit Besir Bajrami )
Kush ishin banorët e liqeneve jo vetëm të Zvicres por të mbarë Europës : “ Që nga viti 4000 BC- 500 BC, banorët e quajtur të liqeneve në Zvicër i ndërtuan shtët e tyre prej druri në brigjet e liqenjve. Dyshemetë dhe muret bëheshin nga degët dhe degëzat e pemëve dhe mbusheshin me argjilë ( llaq ). Shumica e këtyre shtëpive ndertohej aty niveli i ujit rritej ose zvogëlohej sipas sezones. ( “Prehistoric Swiss Lake dwellers” Hansjürgen Müller-Beck ; UNESCO World Heritage Site – Prehistoric Pile dwellings around the Alps ;http://history )
Pra, shtëpitë në liqenjt e Zicres dhe rreth Alpeve në kohën para historike janë lokalizuar si vijon: Në Zvicer- 56, Itali -19, Francë -11, Austri -5 dhe në Slloveni-2, të gjitha të mbrojtura nga UNESCO/
Lokalitetet të gjetura, që e pasqyrojnë banimin para-historik rreth liqeneve rreth Alpeve.
Butmiri ( Sarave ) dhe Ilixha e saj kishte gjithashtu banorë të liqeneve pasi që edhe aty janë gjetur shumë vegla guri dhe ashti, figura argjile dhe shumë poqari
Interesante të ceket se edhe lajthijat ishin pjesë e ushqimit të banorëve që jetonin në dhe mbi liqenet e Zvicres dhe vendeve tjera të Europës.Me këta banorë, vërtetohet që ata quheshin pellazgë duke jetuar në pellgjet e ujërave të ndryshem:
Kur jemi të Zvicra të japim edhe këtë detal historik , “ Nga vitet 8 000 BC, filloi një zhvillim i ri ekonomik që e bënte jetën më të lehtë : duke e formuar gurin sipas nevojës me gërryerje me një lloj zampareje, veglat e reja të punës, kultivimi i pemëve dhe perimeve, si dhe kultivimi i grurit për bukë Ky “know-how” u shpërnda që nga Azia e Vogël e Europë dhe arriti tel pellazgët e Zvicres përafërsisht në mileniumin e pestë BC.- prej Mesdheut, përgjatë lumit Rhona, nga Deti i Zi nëpërmjet Danubit ( Austri Hungari )
Menhiret ( stonehenge ) megalite në Yvedron në Zvicër
Ju kujtohen Retet, Noriket, Kerntet, pasuesit e pellazgëve nga Zvicra, Italia, Austria ?
Lajmet më të reja tregojnë se në Liqenin e Konstancës janë gjetur të fundosura meniheret ( stonehenge ) që datojnë mbi 5 mijë vjet BC. (Archaeologists claim ‘Swiss Stonehenge’ discovered under Lake Constance is a man-made Neolithic monument built 5,500 years ago,;shkruan në: )
Gurët menhir u gjetën në anën zviceranë të Liqeni të Konstancës në kufi me Gjermaninë dhe Austrinë . Vetëm që ende nuk është shpjeguar se si arritët gurët nën sipërfaqen e ujit, të cilët janë të renditur në intervale të sakta , paralel me bregun zviceran të Liqenit.
Si u bë që në anët tona nuk e kemi këtë lloj të mrekullisë antike. Shumë thjesht, mos të harrojmë se kush kaloi mbi ne në këto 2000 vjetët e fundit.
Jeremy Mc Inerney në librin e tij : “Duke i gjetur pellazgët “, shkruan ; “Përdore të kaluarën që ta kuptosh të tashmen” Nuk munda të për fundoj shkrimin pa e shtuar edhe këte :
“Now, it is well known that the Pelasgians belong to the preGreek population groups in Greece. Sometimes their heros eponym Pelasgos is expressly stated to be the first inhabitant, as in case of the Peloponnesos (Pausanias, Guide to Greece 8, 1, 4). More in general, the Pelasgians are addressed as being ἀρχαιότατοι “most old” (Strabo, Geography 7, 7, 10; 8, 8, 3), which in effect boils down to autochthonous in a relative sense, i.e. in comparison to other population groups distinguished. In my view the Pelasgians are in fact the earliest settlers in the Greek mainland speaking an Indo-European tongue, arriving in this region from c. 3100 BC onwards and in the main traceable only on the basis of some specific river- and place-names. Furthermore, Pelasgians are mentioned as early as from the times of Homeros onwards as one of the population groups inhabiting the island of Crete (Homeros, Odyssey 19, 175‒177). As a matter of fact, the memory to the migration of the Pelasgians from Thessaly to Crete under the leadership of Teutamos as best preserved in Diodoros of Sicily, The Library of History 4, 60, 2, may be an ancient one, going back at least to Middle Minoan times (c. 2000‒1600 BC) as a terminus ante quem. During the period of the upheavals of the Sea Peoples at the end of the Bronze Age, finally, we come across Pelasgians from Lydia in western Asia Minor and the island of Crete… ( Fred C. Wouhizen : “ On the identitety of the inde-europian sUbstrate )

 Just a simple glance at what he writes in the books of the Canadian Institute of History, we will begin to think differently about our antiquity forgotten first by ourselves and then by others:

“The center, from the primitive times of the Aryans before their deployment to Europe, was: the inhabitants of the Swiss Lakes and the old Pelasgians, who survived only with today's Albanians. were followers of those ancient Aryans ”(credit Besir Bajrami)
Who were the inhabitants of the lakes not only of Switzerland but of all of Europe: “From 4000 BC to 500 BC, the inhabitants of the lakes called Switzerland built their wooden houses on the shores of the lakes. The floors and walls were made of branches and twigs of trees and filled with clay. Most of these houses were irrigated where the water level increased or decreased according to the season. ("Prehistoric Swiss Lake dwellers" Hansjürgen Müller-Beck; UNESCO World Heritage Site - Prehistoric Pile dwellings around the Alps; http: // history

So houses in the lakes of Zicre and around the Alps in pre-historic times are located as follows: In Switzerland-56, Italy-19, France-11, Austria-5 and in Slovenia-2, all protected by UNESCO /

Locations found, reflecting pre-historic habitat around lakes around the Alps.
Butmir (Sarave) and its Ilixha also had lakes inhabitants as there were many stone and bone tools, clay figures and many pottery found there as well.
Interestingly, the hazelnuts were also part of the food of the inhabitants living in and over the lakes of Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe.

When we are in Switzerland to give this historical detail, “From the 8000 BC, a new economic development began that made life easier: by molding the stone as needed with a kind of zampire, new work tools , fruit and vegetable cultivation, and wheat for bread This "know-how" has spread since Asia Minor in Europe and reached the Swiss Pelasgians approximately in the fifth millennium BC.- from the Mediterranean along the Rhona River, from the Black Sea via the Danube (Austria Hungary)

Meghalite stonehenge at Yvedron in Switzerland

Do you remember Retet, Noriket, Kernet, Pelasgian followers from Switzerland, Italy, Austria?

The latest news shows that Constance Lake has been found submerged in stonehenge dating back over 5,000 years BC. (Archaeologists claim 'Swiss Stonehenge' discovered under Lake Constance is a man-made Neolithic monument built 5,500 years ago; writes at: -Stonehenge-Man-Neolithic-monument.html)
The stones were found on the Swiss side of Lake Constance on the border with Germany and Austria. It has not yet been explained how the rocks beneath the surface of the water reached, which are listed at precise intervals parallel to the Swiss Lake shore.
How come we don't have this kind of ancient miracle on our side? Quite simply, let's not forget who passed over us in the last 2000 years.

Jeremy McInerney in his book Finding Pelasgians, writes; "Use the Past to Understand the Present" I couldn't finish writing without adding this:

“Now, it is well known that the Pelasgians belong to the preGreek population groups in Greece. Sometimes their heros eponym Pelasgos is explicitly stated to be the first inhabitant, as in the case of the Peloponnesos (Pausanias, Guide to Greece 8, 1, 4). More generally, the Pelasgians are referring to being the "most old" (Strabo, Geography 7, 7, 10; 8, 8, 3), which in effect boils down to autochthonous in a relative sense, i.e. distinguished in comparison to other population groups. In my view the Pelasgians are in fact the earliest settlers in the Greek mainland speaking an Indo-European language, arriving in this region from c. 3100 BC onwards and in the main traceable only on the basis of some specific river- and place-names. Furthermore, Pelasgians are mentioned as early as the Homeros times onwards as one of the population groups inhabiting the island of Crete (Homeros, Odyssey 19, 175‒177). As a matter of fact, the memory of the Pelasgians 'migration from Thessaly to Crete under Teutamos' leadership as best preserved in Diodoros of Sicily, The Library of History 4, 60, 2, may be an ancient one, going back at at least to Middle Minoan times (c. 2000‒1600 BC) as a terminus ante quem. During the period of the upheavals of the Sea Peoples at the end of the Bronze Age, finally, we came across Pelasgians from Lydia in western Asia Minor and the island of Crete… (Fred C. Wouhizen: “On the identity of the inde- european sUbstrate)

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