Bonaparte Swiss document in German (Article is in Albanian and in English)

Kolumnisti zvicëran i  mjediseve të shkruara” “ , z. Peter Schibler, rishtas e kishte shkruar një shkrim me titull “ Helvecia për fillestarët “,  me qëllim që të ndihmoj mësuesit fillestar që ta spjegojnë drejt “Historinë e Zvicrës “.
Duke e spjeguar, historinë e shtetit me të pasur në Europë, pra historinë e Zvicres dhe personaliteteve që e kanë bërë historinë e saj, që nga viti 58 p.e.s ai ndalet tek  pushtimi i Zvicres nga Napolon Bonaparta 1799 dhe 1803   ( (Nappey, Grégoire (2012). Swiss History in a Nutshell. Basel: Bergli Books. p. 43. ISBN 9783905252453. Retrieved 11 May 2016.Andreas Fankhauser (27 January 2011). “Helvetische Republik. §1.1 – Die politische Umwälzung”Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (in German). Retrieved 26 May 2016. ,Andreas Fankhauser (24 March 2011). “Helvetische Revolution §2. Die Helvetische Revolution vor dem französischen Angriff”. Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (in German). Retrieved 26 May 2016., Hug, Lina; Stead, Richard (1890). The Story of Switzerland. United States: Library of Alexandria. p. 210. ISBN 9781465597243. Retrieved 11 May 2016.,  Andreas Fankhauser (24 March 2011). “Helvetische Revolution §3. Die Entwicklung nach dem französischen Einmarsch”. Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (in German). Retrieved 26 May 2016. )
Pra këtu ndalet dhe  e shkruan: Kombi Zvicëran është themeluar që në vitin 1291, i udhëhequr nga Keshilli Federativ (Bundesrat). Pra, para se të vinte Shqiptari nga Korsika, Napoleon Bonaparta në Zvicër kishte demokraci dhe……
(Before the Albanian from Corsica came, Napoleon Bonaparta, Switzerland was a democracy and did not need a Federal Council, because were the men who decided if next year there would be peace or not,” he writes. )

 The Swiss columnist for "", Mr. Peter Schibler recently wrote a post titled "Helvecia for Beginners", in order to help beginner teachers explain correctly the "History of Switzerland".
Explaining the history of the richest state in Europe, that is, the history of Switzerland and the personalities that made it history, from 58 BCE it focuses on the occupation of Switzerland by Napoleon Bonaparte 1799 and 1803 ((Nappey, Grégoire ( 2012). Swiss History in a Nutshell. Basel: Bergli Books. P. 43. ISBN 9783905252453. Retrieved 11 May 2016., Andreas Fankhauser (27 January 2011). "Helvetische Republik. .11.1 - Die politische Umwälzung". Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (in German). Retrieved 26 May 2016., Andreas Fankhauser (24 March 2011). "Helvetische Revolution §2. Die Helvetische Revolution vor dem französischen Angriff". Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (in German). Retrieved 26 May 2016., Hug, Lina; Stead, Richard (1890). The Story of Switzerland. United States: Library of Alexandria, p. 210. ISBN 9781465597243. Retrieved 11 May 2016., Andreas Fankhauser (24 March 2011). ”Helvetische Revolution §3. Die Entwicklung nach dem franz sischen Einmarsch. "Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (in German). Retrieved May 26, 2016.)

So here it stops and writes: The Swiss Nation has been established since 1291, led by the Federal Council (Bundesrat). So before the Albanian came from Corsica, Napoleon Bonaparta in Switzerland had democracy and ……

(Before the Albanians came from Corsica, Napoleon Bonaparta, Switzerland was a democracy and did not need a Federal Council, because it was the people who decided if next year there would be peace or not, ”he writes.)


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